Hi! We are GovTech NL
Centre for Civic Innovation
"GovTech NL is the introduction of a professional community for innovation of civic government."
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GovTech NL is the introduction of a professional community for innovation of civic government.
GovTech NL aims to be the professional community for innovators who want to contribute to a more human-centric, technology-savvy government. More than ever there is a growing need for a strong and trust-based relationship between government and its citizens. GovTech NL strives to unite all parties in a dynamic collaboration to stimulate just that relationship. For Governments, startups, academics, and others who share our goals. Through the use of technology, by driving civic engagement and a focus on social innovation as a tool. We want to accelerate the development of new products, systems, and concepts for a bright and positive interaction in the public domain. To get there we want to lead by example, bring those who share our passion together and so grow the best community for government innovation. Innovation that helps citizens and builds a better government for all. Here on GovTech NL we share all news, developments and events. Feel free to sign up and play an active role in our community.
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By the year 2025 GovTech NL is the leading community in the European development of civic government. Tech professionals and civil servants know and acknowledge GovTech NL for its role in the development of civic government.
GovTech NL is a voice for us all. We believe that technology provides all opportunities for our society to build bridges and empower the civic government.
GovTech NL is founded by The Hague Tech, WorldStartup, YES!Delft, DigiCampus, PLNT and Danny Frietman + Rogier Klimbie. The group is full of expertise in public innovation, tech, impact & entrepreneurship. Our work is built on the foundation of the former GovTech NL community, which is now part of our initiative.